These pampering products will give you heavenly hands in a flash
We tend to allocate much of our self-care time to hydrating, nourishing and protecting our facial skin, which is funny when you consider the vast majority of your skin isn’t on your visage. Body skin requires just as much TLC, with hands often proving to be one of the most neglected areas.
Our hands are constantly exposed to aggressors, such as extremes in weather, and frequent handwashing and application of antibacterial gels. Subsequently, they require products that will treat and prevent damage, not to mention the signs of ageing that go along with it.
However, with a simple four-step routine, you can give your tired paws a new lease of life.
Many hand washes contain harsh chemicals, which can dry your hands out more than the cold weather. Instead, look for natural formulas that will soothe instead of scathe.
Only Good Protect Natural Hand Wash, £4.99, Holland & Barrett
We’re quick to scrub the skin on our bodies, but our hands are also in need of regular buffing to ensure they stay supple. Try adding your favourite body scrub to a small amount of hand wash and massage with your desired pressure. Then, rinse off to reveal instantly softer hands.
Herbivore Amethyst Body Scrub, £38, Space NK
When you’re out and about, it says to ensure you keep a hand cream in your bag at all times which you can apply at the first signs of dryness.
Satin Hand Cream, £9, Crabtree & Evelyn
4. OIL
It’s important not to neglect your nails during your pamper process. The easiest way to keep your nails healthy is to rub oil around the cuticle area, as this will prevent skin from breaking around the edges of your nail.