Yes, we're all staying home - but here's all the fun things you can do indoors this April


Like most of the country, the team at Hood were really looking forward to Springtime finally making an appearance this year. After an interminably long winter, we were craving longer days, sunnier skies and time spent outdoors whilst the flowers were in bloom and the weather turned a bit warmer.

As we’re certain is the case with many of you, we had big plans for the month ahead - weddings to attend, holidays planned, hen weekends, birthday parties, trips to visit family in other cities. But of course, the current situation has put all of that on hold and put life into perspective. Unfortunately we all find ourselves in the same situation, where we might all have to spend Springtime indoors in 2020.

But that doesn’t mean that we can’t have fun, and we can’t use our time wisely. So, in place of our usual roundup of the fun events, activities and shows taking place across the country this month, we’re bringing you a list of all of the great things you can do indoors this Springtime, to keep you and your families safe, and make sure that you can make the most of your time at home.

Write a book

It’s something most of us have on our bucket list, so with all of this extra time at home, why not make today the day you start on your masterpiece? We’ve got all the top tips a first-time author could need, in this interview with novelist Catriona Innes.

Clean out your closet

Now is the ideal time to pack away all of your winter clothes and bring your spring/summer outfits back into circulation, ready for when life returns to its regular pace. Our March issue features a great feature on wardrobe detoxing, that will help you make sure that your closet is cleaner, tidier and more organised than ever before.

Stretch out, with an at-home yoga class

Hunched up working from your kitchen table, or spending too much time on the sofa? Shake it off and stretch it out, with one of the many online yoga classes now available.

Hood’s partnerships manager, Sarah, swears by Yoga with Adriene on YouTube, or try the live daily Instagram classes being hosted by Cat Meffan. Yoga is great for the body and for the mind too, to try and reduce how stressed or anxious you might be feeling.


There are programmes across the country crying out for volunteers to help during this time. From doing the shopping for neighbours in quarantine, to picking up prescriptions for the elderly or vulnerable, there’s plenty that you can be doing to help your local community. Volunteer Scotland has plenty of advice and the most up-to-date opportunities available, if you’re willing and able to assist those in need in your local area.

make something

Itchy hands during this low-key period? It could be time to learn a new craft and make something to be proud of. Whether you fancy trying to paint a piece of artwork to hang in your home, or want to learn to create a patchwork quilt, a macrame plant holder or knit a cosy blanket, there’s online tutorials and YouTube videos to help you on your way.

Buy your supplies online from local businesses to help them keep trading, and use your time wisely to create something you can enjoy in the months to come.

get your copy of hood

Our April issue will be on news stands in your local Sainsbury’s, M&S, ASDA or Morrisons from March 30, so make sure you pick up your copy on your next food shop and take the time to enjoy an hour with your favourite magazine.

watch that boxset you’ve always meant to

Netflix, iPlayer, Amazon Prime - now is your time to shine. We all have that one series or boxset that we’ve never gotten around to starting, but now is the moment to do so. Team Hood recommend Line of Duty, The Wire, Luther and Mad Men for drama that will keep you occupied for weeks, but if you’re looking for something lighter, try Love is Blind, The Marvellous Mrs Maisel or Next in Fashion (remember to read our interview with the Scottish star of this show, Hayley Scanlan, too!).

reorganise a room in your house

It’s going to be pretty easy to get bored of your home’s current aesthetic whilst you’re spending so much time indoors, and while going out to buy decorating supplies is off-limits, there’s no reason that you can’t still change the look and feel of your space. Try reshuffling a room that you’re feeling tired of, by shifting the position of the furniture, swapping out the artwork on the walls, or bringing in accessories or decorations from other rooms, to help freshen up the vibe.

learn to do nail art at home

Whilst your nail bar is closed for business, you can still keep your paws looking pretty, by learning how to do some nail art yourself. Check out our latest nail art feature for inspiration, and take a look at Instagram for some advice on technique - Naf! has some advice on nail care in an Instagram Stories highlight to help you on your way.

Keep it simple, with an ombre look, or by adding polka dots to a bright base colour, to give your mitts a cheerful new look. And of course, buy a voucher for a future appointment if you can, to help support your usual nail bar and keep them in business for when life returns to normal.

Commit to daily workouts

Your gym might be closed for the foreseeable, but there’s no reason why you can’t maintain a great exercise regimen. At the time of writing, the public are permitted to go outside for exercise once a day, so use this time for a walk, a jog or a run around the park to get some fresh air at the same time.

If you’re staying home, there’s plenty of online facilities offering free workouts at the moment - we love RWL, Barry’s and Joe Wicks, to help us keep moving.

clear out your makeup bag

Be honest, when was the last time you did this? Ridding your routine of any products that are past their best or have expired will help maintain a healthy complexion, so it’s good to check all of your products and bin anything that looks or smells funny, doesn’t work very well any more or that you simply feel you’ve had for too long.

Remember to clean the bag itself with antibacterial wipes, wipe down all of the products before you pop them back in, and give all of your brushes a good wash with soap or baby shampoo too.

Have a weekly girl’s night, online

Zoom, House Party and Skype have all become more popular than ever during these past few weeks, to help us stay in touch with pals that we can’t see in person. Make the most of the technology and plan a weekly night in with your friends, where you can catch up and chat as if you’re all in the same room. We recommend having a glass of wine on hand too, of course!

Teach your child a new skill

If you’re at home with a child, then you’ve probably done this every day anyway, since home-schooling became a necessity. But try and teach them something that’s not on the curriculum too - use this time to make memories.

Bake together, teach them how to knit or draw, to plant some seeds and care for them, even teach them a card game or even how to tie their shoelaces - something that they will remember and use in their daily lives, once life has gone back to normal.

Get into gaming

Gaming is bigger than ever, and it’s a brilliant way to socialise when you can’t leave the house. If your other half or your children love nothing more than their games console, now’s the time to get involved. Games like Mario Party or Mario Kart are great for the whole family to enjoy together, or relive a classic and start a whole new Sims saga if you’d like to enjoy gaming alone.

perfect a meal you’ve always wanted to try

Now is the time to hone your skills as a home cook. If you’re not too confident in the kitchen, this is a great excuse to read recipe books, or check our archive of recipes for delicious, nutritious meal ideas for the whole family.

Find a new favourite vlogger

Got a few hours to kill? Find a new favourite vlogger and catch up on their back catalogue. We love The Anna Edit for recipes, organisational advice and makeup tips, Lily Pebbles for interiors, lifestyle and parenthood content, or Nadine Baggott for beauty and skincare for any age.

make a photo album

If you’ve got hundreds of photos lying around, crammed into boxes or still in their sleeves, use this time to make photo albums or memory books to treasure. You can even make them online, with lots of companies offering digital services to build a photo album that will then be printed and delivered to your door. We like Snapfish for cheap and cheerful photo books, or Papier can help you make some extra-special albums to commemorate big events like birthdays, weddings or holidays.

learn a new skill

Lots of us want to use this downtime productively, so why not try and learn something new that you’ve always wanted to master? It could be learning to play an instrument, learning a new language using apps like Duolingo, or a new skill like calligraphy, that you can then use to enrich your life long after this experience is over.

plant an indoor garden

If you, like many of us, live in a flat or apartment and don’t have access to a garden or outdoor space, the current limitations on going outside can feel even more difficult to manage. We naturally want to enjoy the great outdoors, but if that’s not possible on a regular basis, then try and bring the outdoors in instead, by planting an indoor garden.

You can buy seeds on your next supermarket trip, whether that’s herbs or flowers, and some soil - you probably already have plant pots in the house. Place them on a sunny windowsill and watch them bloom. Things like cress or even sunflowers bloom very quickly, which can be a great mood-booster too.

listen to a podcast

Another one of those ‘if only I had the time’ situations, listening to the latest podcasts can be a thing that can easily fall by the wayside during regular life. But if you find yourself with quiet time at the moment, filling your home with friendly chatter, a gripping story or a true-crime thriller can pass the time and help you feel less lonely. Team Hood has a few favourites to share, if you’re not sure where to begin…

Drama lovers will adore Fake Heiress, the story of New York socialite and fraudster Anna Delvey, told in a gripping dramatised way with actors playing the characters. If you’re looking for a podcast that will help you to feel a bit more upbeat, then we love Table Manners, hosted by singer Jessie Ware and her mum Lennie. The duo invite celebrities into their home and cook for them, whilst interviewing them - we especially love the episodes with Alan Carr, Stacey Dooley, Nigella Lawson and Queer Eye’s Antoni, although there are so many brilliant ones to choose from.

And if you love nothing more than true crime, we can’t get enough of Undisclosed - a podcast hosted by three US law professionals. It’s one to really focus on, and it’s not an easy listen, but it’s thrilling and will keep you on the edge of your seat. It covers hugely high-profile cases, such as the case against Adnan Syed (if you’ve listened to Serial, you’ll adore this) and the killing of Freddie Gray.

Buy from a small business

There’s not much we’ll need to buy, whilst we’re staying home. But if you do need to stock up on anything, or if you want to buy in something new like a new book or a craft kit, then buy it from a local, independent store. Trouva stocks items from independent businesses, so you can find your favourite indie store and buy online from them, until they open their doors again.

plan a home makeover

If reshuffling a room just isn’t enough, use this time to plan a home makeover for when things return to normal. Consider the space, think about what you’d like the room to be like, and start gathering inspiration on a Pinterest board or in an Instagram collection. Think about things like paint swatches, accessories, rugs, furniture, even artwork - and then when the shops are ready to reopen, you’ll be raring to go.

start a virtual book club

Something to do with friends or family during this time, is to start an online book club. Decide on a book you all want to read, give yourselves a week or two to complete it, and schedule a Zoom call to check in and chat about it. It will occupy many empty hours, fill your mind and get your brain in gear, and give you a wonderful reason to catch up with loved ones too.

practice self-care

During all of this, we know that now seems like a particularly tricky, difficult and uncertain time for most of us. Many of us will have lots of worries on our plates: worries about catching the illness ourselves, or a friend or family member contracting it; worries about our jobs or our businesses still being there to return to when this is all over; concerns about money, about your children’s education, about plans you had made that you’ve now had to cancel. It’s stressful, it’s worrying, it can sometimes feel overwhelming.

So we ask you to make sure that you’re looking after yourself during this difficult time. If you do just one of these activities, do this one, and take care of yourself however feels best for you. Self care shouldn’t be underrated during a tricky time in life, and we firmly believe that you should take the time to do whatever makes you feel better - here’s some of our favourite ways to unwind.