Christmas Chocolatey Treat

SALAME DI CIOCCOLATA from Sabrina Damiani

‘This beautiful and delicious dessert was traditional in my family, it takes me back to my childhood and it is the first dessert I ever made with my grandmother.’


250g Rich Tea biscuits

100g unsalted butter, melted

1 egg

200g sugar

50g unsweetened cocoa powder

Lemon zest

2 spoons port wine or rum (optional)

2 spoons pistachios or hazelnuts (optional)


Crumble the biscuits into pieces. Whisk the butter with the egg, add the sugar, cocoa powder and lemon zest and mix until you obtain a creamy mixture. Add the crushed biscuits, sweet wine, and nuts (if using) to the chocolate. Mix and stir with a spatula until well combined. Place the mix on a baking sheet and mould the mixture into a salame-like log. Roll up the paper and twist the ends tightly. Place in the fridge for at least 6 hours. Unwrap the log from the paper and dust with icing sugar. Cut into slices and serve. 

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