The Power of Padel: How the World’s Fastest Growing Sport is Good for Body and Mind

Words by Nicola Campbell-Turnbull

Padel - it’s the fast-paced, addictive racquet sport that’s taking Scotland, and the world, by storm. A hybrid of tennis and squash, Padel is played on a smaller court with glass walls, making it a dynamic and social game that’s perfect for all ages and skill levels. And as someone who’s been swept up in the Padel wave myself, I can attest—it’s more than just a sport; it’s a lifestyle.

When David Lloyd opened its new club at Shawfair in Edinburgh, my husband and I were intrigued by this new game everyone was raving about. We decided to give it a go, signing up for a taster session. Fast forward a few months, and Padel has become our go-to activity, both for fitness and fun. We started by joining the social groups at the club, where beginners and intermediates can hone their skills in a friendly, supportive environment. But it wasn’t long before we found ourselves playing outside the club, meeting up with friends who’ve also caught the Padel bug.

There’s something about Padel that makes it easy to get hooked. It offers a full-body workout that’s as much about agility and strategy as it is about power. With a bit of coaching, you quickly start to see improvements in your game, which only adds to the satisfaction. The more you play, the more you want to play—and with Scotland’s unpredictable weather, the fact that many courts are outdoors but covered means you can enjoy a match in the depths of winter or on a hot summer’s day.

Padel’s popularity is on the rise in Scotland, with new courts popping up across the country. The sport is particularly appealing because it’s accessible; it’s easy to pick up, even if you’ve never held a racquet before, and it’s mainly played in doubles, which makes it a great social activity. Whether you’re looking to keep fit, boost your mental health, or simply have a laugh with friends, Padel ticks all the boxes.

Njabulo Zwane, Padel MBA certified coach & founder at Racqued Coaching, says: “Padel is easy to pick up and progress can be witnessed quickly. It is mostly played as doubles and and people enjoy that social aspect too. Just like most sports that keep you moving it helps you keep healthy both mentally and physically. Sessions like cardio Padel, which focuses on the movement and sharpness of your game, can help sharpen your mind to stay healthy. Padel is also accommodating to all ages and is enjoyed by both the seniors and juniors. Mostly it is a family friendly sport where quite often you find mum's and daughters, fathers and sons and partners playing together. This is the time to start now as the gap between players is not a huge one. As the sport grows, you will also grow your ability in tactical and technical understanding.”

We’re seeing more and more people from all walks of life embracing Padel. It’s not just about the physical benefits—though it certainly gets the heart pumping—it’s also about the mental wellbeing that comes from being part of a community, staying active, and pushing yourself to improve. And as more clubs and leisure centres add Padel courts to their facilities, it’s clear that this sport is here to stay.

If you haven’t yet tried Padel, what are you waiting for? Grab a racquet, find a local court, and see what all the fuss is about. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or just looking for a new way to stay active, Padel might just become your new obsession. Trust me, once you start, you won’t want to stop.

The 6 Best Health & Wellbeing Benefits of PLAYING Padel

  1. It’s The Ultimate Mood Booster

We all know that exercise is a tried-and-true way to lift our spirits, thanks to those feel-good endorphins. But there’s something extra special about Padel that makes it a mood-boosting powerhouse. Whether it’s the satisfaction of smashing a perfect return past your opponents, nailing that flawless serve, or simply feeling the sweet sounding connection between your padel and the ball, Padel has a unique knack for putting a smile on your face. In fact, I’ve yet to see anyone leave the court without a serious case of the grins. It’s more than just a game; it’s mood medicine, pure and simple.

2. Think Stealth Cardio, Maximum Fun

Let’s be honest: cardio can sometimes feel like a chore. Whether you’re sweating through a HIIT session or pounding away on the treadmill, there’s no mistaking the effort. But with Padel, you might not even notice you’re getting a serious workout until the game’s over. That’s the magic of it—while you’re focused on your shots, dashing around the court, and having an absolute blast, you’re actually giving your heart a solid workout. Padel improves endurance, boosts heart health, and burns calories, all without that ‘feel-the-burn’ dread. So, if you’re after cardio that doesn’t feel like cardio, Padel is your new best friend.

3. Coordination on Point

Looking to sharpen your hand-eye coordination? Padel’s got you covered. This fast-paced game is all about quick reflexes and precise movements. You’re not just serving and returning; you’re also working with the ball as it ricochets off walls, all at lightning speed. It might seem a bit tricky at first, but stick with it, and you’ll soon notice your coordination skills taking a serious leap. The more you play, the better you’ll get—no question about it.

Muscle Toning Without the weight bench

Padel isn’t just about having fun; it’s also a fantastic way to tone and strengthen your muscles, particularly in your upper body. But unlike some other racquet sports, Padel is gentle on the joints, thanks to the lighter padel and ball. And don’t forget your lower body! The constant movement around the court gives your legs, especially the glutes, calves, and quads, a serious workout. As you get more into the game, you might even feel inspired to up your fitness routine with some strength training to take your Padel performance to the next level.

Social Connection at Its Best

There’s something truly special about working out with others, and Padel is the perfect sport for it. Usually played in doubles, Padel is all about teamwork and camaraderie. The social aspect doesn’t stop when the game ends, either. A post-match drink, whether it’s a refreshing mocktail or something stronger, is part of the Padel experience, giving you time to unwind, chat about the match, and plan the next one. Plus, with tournaments and social clubs popping up, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to meet new people and become part of a vibrant community. It’s social engagement, with a healthy twist.

Stress Busting with a Swing

Had one of those days? Padel is the perfect outlet for releasing that pent-up stress. There’s something incredibly satisfying about hitting that ball with all your might and watching it fly. Plus, the game demands your full attention, so it’s a great way to leave your worries behind, even if it’s just for an hour or so. And after the match? Why not keep the good vibes going with a post-game drink and chat with your fellow players? Padel isn’t just a game; it’s a stress-relief session with a side of socialising.

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